Your CGSC Reps

Elected CGSC Representatives for 2024-2025

Want to be a CGSC rep for the next academic year? Keep an eye out for nominations in early June!

Executive Committee

Hillary Frank (Chair)

Paesani Lab

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Darius Yohannan (Vice-Chair)

Ballatore and Yang Labs

Organic Chemistry 

Javier O Sanlley-Hernandez (Budget)

Amaro Lab

Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 

Kelly Isbell (Communications)

Budin Lab

Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics 

Representatives & Committee Chairs

Hannah Castro (Faculty Journal Club Chair)

Grassian Lab

Atmospheric and Analytical Chemistry

Nichelle Camden (Social Chair)

Simonson Lab

Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics

Jorge Jacinto 

Ballatore and Jones Labs

Chemical Biology

Sarah Wax (Student Research Seminar Chair)

Godula Lab

Chemical Biology

Luke Miller (Mental Health Chair)

Siegel Lab

Organic Chemistry

1st Year Ph.D. Representative(s)

Coming Fall 2025!

Are you interested in being a 1st year representative? Then contact Javi (Chair), Hilliary (Vice-Chair), or Darius (Communications Director) !

Masters Representative(s)

Coming Fall 2025!

Are you interested in being an Master's student representative? Then contact Javi (Chair), Hilliary (Vice-Chair), or Darius (Communications Director) !

International Student Representative(s)

Coming Fall 2025!

Are you interested in being an International student representative? Then contact Javi (Chair), Hilliary (Vice-Chair), or Darius (Communications Director) !